Need help? Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most.

Live Event Caricatures

On average, we can draw about 36-40 faces in couple hours. If you need more than one artist to cover more guests, our amazing team of artists got you covered. We can also stay after the contracted hours to make sure everyone leaves the party with a caricature in their hands

Absolutely! Just let us know in advance and we got you covered.

All drawings come free of charge in a plastic sleeve. You simply pay for the booked time. Now, if you would like to charge a small fee to support your fundraiser or event, you are free to do so.

Absolutely! We’ll design and print a personalized event logo/name on each caricature. We only charge you the cost of the printing fee and no more. 

We are already working with a few non-profit organizations in St. Louis so we are not currently accepting any donation requests but we will be happy to include your sponsors’ logos in each drawing to receive their support or you are also free to charge a small fee for each drawing to support your event.

We find that sign-up sheets generally don’t work as time is wasted looking for the next person if they wander off. Allowing a short line to form naturally just seems to work best. People can see at a glance how many people are waiting, and since each drawing takes just few minutes, no one ever waits too long. 

Your price search should be easy-breezy. Please visit the Prices section to find out more about pricing details.

We will need  a small table and three chairs. Other than that, all other equipment is provided.

Gift Caricatures

Most caricatures are finished within couple days after payment is made. For bigger projects, it can take up to a week so do schedule soon for your larger-than-life ideas.

The standard size of the paper is 11X17 or 4X6. If you need a size larger than 11X17, it can definitely be done but fees will be applied.   

All major credit cards (Venmo, Cash Apps, Square) and checks. 

Absolutely! Pet caricatures are always welcomed and appreciated. The same rates will be applied for your fur babies. 

Yes! Just let us know of your usage needs and we will send you an agreement to discuss more about copyrights and title to the work.

You sure can! We always include a high-quality JPEG image file for your personal printing needs.

Your price search should be easy-breezy. Please visit the Prices section to find out more about pricing details.

We want every caricature to go to a good home. Remember, ONE preview is offered for your approval, meaning it can be changed at your request before it is completely finished.